Factory Projects

Discover how metal roofing can withstand the demands of industrial environments. Our gallery showcases robust factory projects featuring durable, corrosion-resistant materials and innovative designs.

Elevated Heights Roofing Installation for Factory

The Proton Tanjung Malim factory is a state-of-the-art automotive manufacturing facility located in Perak, Malaysia. This plant serves as a crucial hub for Proton’s vehicle production, featuring advanced technologies and capabilities to meet both domestic and international demand.

Proton Factory, Tanjung Malim
Product Featured
TH R505 Standing Seam Metal Roofing

The Challenge

The Proton Tanjung Malim factory’s vast roof presented a significant logistical challenge. Traditional methods couldn’t lift the long, heavy sections of finished metal roofing onto the roof due to the facility’s immense length and the limitations of crane operations.

The Solution

Thung Hing implemented a pioneering roll-at-eave technology, using the TH R505 Standing Seam Metal Roofing. The roll-forming machine was placed inside a container and airlifted by crane, allowing the roofing material to be produced directly in the air. This innovative approach overcame the logistical challenges and ensured the seamless installation of the roofing system.

Featured Product

TH R505 Standing Seam Metal Roofing

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